How to drive for on-demand transport in Australia

How to Drive for On-Demand Transport in Australia

The popularity of on-demand transport services has exploded over the past few years. 

In truth, it’s the greatest phenomenon to hit the internet generation. However, it’sn’t only the consumers that can benefit from the advancements in this field. It’s an industry that opens up many doors for aspiring and experienced commercial drivers too.

As a model, the on-demand services offer great earning opportunities as well as immense flexibility and control. It’s certainly an attractive proposition for anyone wanting to start or continue a career behind the wheel. But before starting to earn fares, you must first gain the necessary permissions to operate in this arena.


Of course, acquiring a driver’s licence is a precursor. For most motorists, the C-licence is all that’s necessary, although you may want to look at the other classes too. Following this, though, the process of becoming an on-demand driver in Australia will vary from state to state. The differences aren’t huge between territories. Still, being aware of the subtle influences is key during the application process.

Here’s what you need to know:

How to Drive for On-demand Transport in Western Australia

If you live in the state of Western Australia, your standard driver’s licence won’t suffice. To become a commercial driver, including an on-demand service, you must also gain the F-licence charter extension.   

The application process for gaining this licence extension is relatively straightforward. But it still needs to be completed. Firstly, you need to prove that you’re a fit and proper person. This entails disclosing a full background history check, as well as completing a medical assessment. Once these issues have been completed, there’s a standardised form that will need completing. All in all, though, it should only take around a fortnight to finish the entire application.


Certain on-demand operators may have extra forms and requirements before you can actively start working for them. Likewise, the vehicle you intend to use may need analysing to confirm its suitability. On the whole, a normal licence supplemented with the appropriate F-licence charter extension will open up the doors to a career in the WA region.   


If you wish to work for a traditional taxi firm, though, you’ll need to look at the T-licence extension. Should you already possess this, and boast four years experience, you can make the switch without the F-licence charter.


How to Drive for On-demand Transport in Northern Territory


Gaining a commercial passenger vehicle licence in the Northern Territory region is open to anyone over the age of 18. That’s, so long as they meet other demands. This accreditation is achieved through gaining an H endorsement, which is also needed for a CPVID card. The basic stipulations include being able to read and write English, hold a full NT driving licence, and be permitted to work in Australia.

Applicants also need a National Police Certificate, dated within the last three months.

You’ll also need the right medical clearances to drive a commercial vehicle. Meanwhile, a theory test will need to be completed (and passed) at a local Motor Vehicle Registry centre. Relevant topics include hire car regulations, the Commercial Passenger Transport Act, and commercial passenger regulations. Study materials are available online. Meanwhile, the applicable fees will need to be paid in full before taking the exam.

Official training is required when applying for the Commercial Passenger Vehicle Identity Card. Having said that, many drivers can benefit from additional lessons while an understanding of the local area is required too.

Once the H endorsement licence extension has been acquired, you’ll be free to work for any of the on-demand passenger service providers. As in any Australian state, you’ll need to research their specific driver requirements before applying. Only then will you be ready to represent their companies.


How to Drive for On-demand Transport in Queensland

To offer public passenger services in the state of Queensland, you’ll need to gain driver authorisation. The governing bodies provide several types of Industry Authority Cards. Depending on the exact nature of your intended career, you’ll be looking at the T or G extension.


The process of gaining your licence extension is relatively straightforward. It’s used to confirm your responsibility and capabilities to provide the service. A full background history check is required. Criminal records could potentially stop you from qualifying for the permit. This will depend on the severity of the crime, as some minor issues may just require an interview. As well as being cleared on the criminal front, you’ll also need medical clearances.   

In order to know if you’re qualified to drive for an on-demand transport company in Queensland, apply for your National Criminal History Certificate now to avoid delay in getting your driver authorisation.

Application processes for the licence extension can take a couple of weeks to be completed, and carry a charge. However, there is also a fee fixed to term duration for the T extension. 

As with all territories, independent on-demand operators may have set lists of acceptable vehicles. They may wish to install monitoring devices in your vehicle. In terms of gaining the licence extension, the Department of Transport & Main Roads application process is the main concern.

How to Drive for On-demand Transport in New South Wales


When living, and wanting to drive for an on-demand service, in New South Wales, you need to satisfy the RMS. The Roads and Maritime Services aren’t overly strict, but they do set out some very clear guidelines. Firstly, you must be at least 20 years old and will have held a full licence for at least 12 of the last 24 months. Of course, you must either be a resident or have the legal documentation to work in Australia.


If you intend to use your car for commercial purposes, it will need to be declared for business matters. Of course, it’ll need to be fit for carrying passengers and may need to be monitored by the operator that you decide to work for.   


Furthermore, you’ll need to apply for a PHV (private hire vehicle) licence. The application form itself is relatively simple to complete. However, it must be supported by various other documents. These include medical assessments, a National Police Certificate, and your normal driver’s licence. If your standard licence is provided by another state, annual checks will be required to retain your PHV privileges. Meanwhile, if you hold a current Taxi or Bus Authority, you’ll have to apply for PHV accreditation.


The process of proving your eligibility can take more than three weeks, so a little patience will be required. Meanwhile, there are several circumstances where the RMS may require additional information. Maintaining clear communication throughout the process is vital. Otherwise, you could encounter unnecessary delays.


How to Drive for On-Demand Transport in Victoria

If you’re looking to start a career as an on-demand driver with minimal hassle, Victoria is the place to be. Frankly, the requirements for becoming a driver in this territory are far less demanding than in any other Australian state. As such, the process is quicker, cheaper, and easier.

Essentially, the only major stipulation is that you need to have had your standard driver’s licence for a minimum of 12 months. In fact, it doesn’t even have to be a Victorian licence. As long as you’ve been driving for at least one year in any Australian territory, you’re virtually good to go.


Of course, there are general laws that must be acknowledged too. Naturally, if you get banned from driving, your career will be stopped too. Likewise, your car will need to meet the requirements set out by the independent transport provider (your employer). Finally, any criminal charges relating to aggressive behaviour, for example, will put your job in major jeopardy.

Generally speaking, any driver with over one year’s experience can become a driver in the state of Victoria without any major hassle.   


How to Drive for On-demand Transport in South Australia

In the territory of South Australia, you can apply for the necessary documentation after six months of owning a normal licence. However, there are a number of conditions that must be met, starting with either citizenship, residency, or a working visa.

Before gaining driver accreditation, you’ll need a child-related employment screening which includes a national criminal history check. It needs to be updated every 3 years. Meanwhile, you’ll need assessments of your medical status as well as your eyesight. These items form the bulk of the licensing process. However, the Accreditation and Licensing Centre (ALC) does require documentation too.

Unlike other taxi drivers, on-demand drivers don’t need to complete formal training. However, being an English speaker and having knowledge of the state is essential. Of course, keeping the vehicle in suitable condition and satisfying the demands of the individual operator will be the key.

Once you’ve gained the licence, some laws must be adhered to. For example, blood alcohol levels must be zero rather than within standard limits or you have to display your photo ID accreditation while taking the passengers.

Meanwhile, you cannot refuse work based on discriminatory views. If the standard driver’s licence becomes compromised by a ban, you obviously cannot drive commercially either.  

Once you have all the documents ready, you can lodge your application in person, via post or email. A more comprehensive instruction can be found on the South Australia Government Website.

How to Drive for On-demand Transport in Australia Capital Territory

Under new laws passed by the ACT government this year, rideshare drivers have to meet upgraded licensing and accreditation requirements.

As of 1 August 2016, new ridesharing drivers and vehicles have to obtain accreditation along with a driver licence containing a ‘D’ rideshare condition. The ‘D’ endorsement authorises you to provide rideshare services.

For those with existing public vehicle conditions on their licence (such as ‘T’ or ‘H’), you will now have to apply for an additional ‘D’ condition.

From 8 November 2017, all rideshare drivers also need to obtain a Working With Vulnerable People Registration. You can apply for it through Access Canberra website.

The process of getting accredited

Once you’ve upgraded your licence, you can apply for accreditation at Access Canberra.

When assessing your application, Access Canberra will consider whether you have been found guilty of offences under the Corporations Act 2001, or offences relating to dishonesty, drugs, violence and driving. They will also consider whether you had breached the Minimum Service Standards or any other requirements of a previous passenger accreditation.

This whole process has been designed to make sure that all drivers are trustworthy and reliable and do not pose any threats to public safety. Notably, the Road Transport Authorities are implementing an enforcement and compliance program, which means that they can inspect your vehicle on the road, and randomly audit your records and procedures. If the auditors are not satisfied with your results, they have the authority to take disciplinary action against your accreditation.

As such, always make sure that you have your licence and accreditation in the vehicle with you, and always drive safely and carefully! It’s better to be safe than sorry – especially when it comes to obeying the law.

Rideshare Accreditation and Licencing Application Checklist

  • A copy of your ACT driver Licence.
  • Your Australian birth certificate (not a commemorative certificate) issued by Births, Deaths and Marriages, or your Australian passport, or your overseas passport.
  • A National Police Certificate from an ACIC accredited organisation
  • A completed ‘Commercial driver’s health assessment’.
  • A completed ‘Authorisation to release public passenger driver licence and accreditation status’.
  • A completed ‘Rideshare driver accreditation and vehicle licence application’.
  • A completed ‘Rideshare vehicle licence application’, if required.
  • A copy of the public liability insurance policy for the vehicle (this must be in the registered operator’s name and endorsed for rideshare or listed for business or commercial use).
  • A copy of your working with vulnerable people registration card.

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